
Wales News Online

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Successful drugs warrants completed in North Monmouthshire under ‘Operation Wasp’

GWENT Police officers successfully completed six warrants under the Misuse of Drugs Act, across North Monmouthshire this month.

The warrants, which formed part of Operation Wasp, were executed over the course of the week-long operation between Monday 11th November and Sunday 17th November 2019. Operation Wasp specifically targeted the supply of drugs across the Monmouth and Abergavenny areas.

North Monmouthshire Neighbourhood Policing Team, with the support of specialist method of entry and search trained officers, led the execution of the searches in six properties.

A further eight Stop and Searches were carried out across Abergavenny under the Misuse of Drugs Act.

During the searches, quantities of what is believed to be class A and class B drugs were seized from the properties or from individuals. Cash and drugs paraphernalia were also seized.

Three replica firearms, an amount of jewelry and seven vehicles were also seized during the operation.

Five people were arrested on suspicion of possession of controlled drugs. They have since been released under investigation.

Two people received fixed penalties for possession of a controlled drug of class B – Cannabis.

Inspector Micah Hassell, of Gwent Police’s Monmouthshire local policing area, said; “This was a well-coordinated and rapid response by our teams in Monmouthshire.

“The communities have responded to surveys which have directly influenced our agenda; we are committed to ensuring those priories are addressed.  We are working hard to ensure our communities are safe and the concerns of the public are at the forefront of the work we do.

“I would like to give particular thanks to my officers for their efforts and the wider community for providing vital information.

“If you have any information about the supply or use of drugs in your community, please call us on 101, or ring Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Alternatively, you can send a direct message with information via our Gwent Police Facebook or Twitter social media pages.”

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