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NEIL Hamilton, MS for Mid & West Wales, and Leader of UKIP Wales is backing a campaign to encourage more shoppers to buy Welsh products.

Mr. Hamilton is urging his constituents to show their support for key workers in Wales’ food and drink industry by taking part in a new online initiative #CaruCymruCaruBlas #LoveWalesLoveTaste.

He said:

“We all know that Welsh food and drink is superlative quality and excellent taste and many of our products receive worldwide acclaim. Figures show around 3,700 different products can be found on retailers’ shelves across Wales, with numerous brands also available to buy online.

“The campaign, to encourage people to continue to buy Welsh food and drink in shops or online, is being launched today (July 3), with two further celebration days planned for August and September.

“As a long-time supporter of Welsh products, who is always encouraging people to ‘Buy Local’, I am delighted to support this initiative.

“Many producers, including farmers and those working in the hospitality sectors, have been very hard hit by the impact of Covid-19 and we should do everything we can to help.  By downloading the map, showing where you can buy Welsh food and drink, you will not only be helping the individual businesses but also making a vital contribution to the national economy, which is sorely needed at the moment.”

The #CaruCymruCaruBlas #LoveWalesLoveTaste is a Welsh Government campaign working in partnership with Menter a Busnes.

It follows on from the successful Welsh producers’ map created by Cywain, a programme dedicated to developing new and existing micro-businesses and SMEs in the Welsh food and drink sector.

Cywain’s #SupportLocalSupportWales map directs shoppers to hundreds of Welsh food and drinks producers and products at the click: https://menterabusnes.cymru/cywain/en/our-producers/ 

Elen Llwyd Williams, Menter a Busnes Director said: There are hundreds of Welsh producers now selling online and offering safe delivery options to consumers.

“Consumers across Wales have provided fantastic support to local producers throughout the pandemic, and we need this to continue to ensure businesses survive.

“Cywain is supporting a number of businesses with their online presence, so new producers and products are added to the online map on a regular basis.”

Andy Richardson, Chair of the Food and Drink Wales Industry Board said: “Overall, the food and drink industry in Wales has shown itself once again to be resilient and creative in the face of crisis and vital to the UK economy as a whole. Covid-19 has presented challenges to the industry, but also opportunities – we know some businesses have been very badly affected, but some have prospered.

“As we launch these celebration days we must remain confident to grow and focus on added value. We’ve seen producers diversifying their offering, helping the NHS and keeping the nation fed and we can continue to take huge pride in Welsh food and drink as we work together to recover from this crisis.”