
Wales News Online

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MORE trees near Tesco in Swansea Marina could be cut down.

Tesco said the roots of eight trees were lifting the paving and causing people to fall over.

Council planning officers are considering an application by the retailer to fell the planes, which have tree preservation orders.

Four of the trees are on Wellington Street, near the junction with Albert Row. The other four are on Albert Row, near the junction with Oystermouth Road.

Tesco said it planned to plant nine trees in their place and install root barriers so that the roots grew downwards and not to the side.

Earlier this year eight other trees on Wellington Street were cut down by the council, a fortnight after protesters chained themselves to them.

The council said the felling was needed as part of its £135 million plans for the area – now known as Copr Bay – featuring the indoor arena, flats, car parks and commercial units.

It planted 17 trees in their place.

Other new greenery has been planted as part of alterations to Wellington Street and the reconfigured entrance to the Tesco superstore.

Consultation about the council tree felling in March was the cause of a public dispute between protest groups and the authority.

Speaking after their removal, a council spokesman said the authority had made it clear from the start that a number of trees by Tesco would have to be removed.

“By smart planning we were able to save a number of trees originally earmarked for removal but, unfortunately, it was not possible to deliver a new entrance for Tesco and two-way traffic without removing eight trees,” he said.

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