
Wales News Online

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New additions approved by planning officers at south Pembrokeshire visitor attraction.

An application for new toilet block and refreshment kiosk with outdoor seating area at the popular Dinosaur Park just outside Gumfreston has been given the go ahead this month.

The building would measure 12.8metres by 4.6metres with a shallow monopitch roof measuring 2.7metres at its tallest point and finished in painted render and grey roofing sheets.

The provision of the toilet block, kiosk and seating area would improve facilities at this existing tourist attraction and would be compatible with its location, a planning report states.

It adds that it is of an appropriate design, scale and finish for its setting, within a “large scale tourist attraction.”

The application for full planning was conditionally approved, with conditions including development beginning within five years and in accordance with the approved plans, submission of surface water disposal plan and the building is not open to the public before bat and bird boxes are installed.

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