
Wales News Online

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Traffic Commissioner’s Caernarfon office officially opens

THE Traffic Commissioner now has a base in both North and South Wales following the official opening of the North Wales office in Caernarfon today [Thursday, 27 February]

The office, based in Gwynedd Council’s existing Penrallt building in the town, is shared with a small team of bilingual staff working for the Driver Vehicle Standards Agency and will provide facilities for the Commissioner to hold meetings and inquiries in North Wales.

The Commissioner will now be able to work from Caernarfon and her other office in Cardiff.

The Welsh Government and Gwynedd Council have worked closely to establish the office in Caernarfon.

Minister for North Wales Ken Skates, who officially opened the office, said:

“I am extremely pleased to see that the Traffic Commissioner now has an office in Caernarfon as well as in Cardiff

“This ensures that the Traffic Commissioner is within easy reach to the whole of Wales.

“It’s good to see local bilingual staff working here. It benefits the local economy and also allows people to contact the Traffic Commissioner’s office in their preferred language.

“This is the result of collaboration and co-operation between Welsh Government, Gwynedd Council and the office of the Traffic Commissioner, and shows what can be achieved when public bodies work together.”

Traffic Commissioner for Wales Victoria Davies said:

“As the new Traffic Commissioner for Wales, I’m looking forward to working with OTC staff and key transport stakeholders to promote road safety and fair competition throughout Wales.

“The opening of the new OTC office in Caernarfon will enhance our ability to provide a bilingual service to the people of Wales.”

Gwynedd Council Cabinet Member with responsibility for property matters, Councillor Craig ab Iago said:

“As a Council, we are pleased to see the opening of the Traffic Commissioner’s office here in the north of the country.

“This follows considerable joint-working with a number of partners. By working together with the Welsh Government, the Traffic Commissioner’s office and DVSA a number of important posts will be located at our offices here in Gwynedd.

“As well as being a welcome boost to the local economy, it also ensures that people throughout the country will be able to receive the services they require through the medium of Welsh.”

(From left) Chairman of Gwynedd council, Councillor Edgar Wyn Owen, with Economy, Transport and North Wales Minister Ken Skates, and Traffic Commissioner for Wales Victoria Davies

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