
Wales News Online

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‘Transforming Towns’ funding available in Pembrokeshire

TOWN centre property owners in Pembrokeshire interested in improving their buildings and/or sites are being urged to apply for funds available from Welsh Government.

The Transforming Towns ‘Place Making’ grant offers support for a wide range of projects, from green infrastructure developments to internal and external commercial and residential improvements, with the aim of reducing the number of empty, underused sites and premises in town centres.

The scheme is open to private businesses, including developers, third sector businesses, and the public sector. It is not available to private individuals. It is available within the town centre areas of:

Fishguard and Goodwick; Milford Haven; Pembroke; Pembroke Dock; Tenby and Haverfordwest.

Also available is the Transforming Towns ‘Town Centre Loan Fund’.

Owners can apply for secured loans, for a maximum term of five years, for projects that meet core eligibility criteria. Loans are interest-free but subject to a one-off administration fee to cover costs associated with administering the scheme.

The fund aims to reduce the number of empty sites and properties. Applicants can include town centre businesses, private landlords, social housing associations and property developers.

Once the loan is repaid, the local authority can use it again to fund new loans and re-invest in similar projects. It must be re-invested three times over 15 years.

Town Centre loans and grants are administered by Pembrokeshire County Council.

Rachel Moxey, Head of Economic Development and Regeneration, urged all those eligible to receive the funds to consider submitting an application. “Town centres are facing major challenges in light of Covid-19 and these funds from the Welsh Government are a fantastic opportunity for businesses and organisations to improve, regenerate and develop their buildings or sites,” she said.

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