
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

PLANS for a ‘transport interchange’ in Haverfordwest have been submitted by Pembrokeshire County Council.

A full planning application for a replacement bus station and multi-storey car park, associated works and new public realm works was validated by the local authority’s planning department on December 15.

The proposed £8million scheme is part of the South West Wales Metro project and aims to enhance access to the town centre.

A pre-application consultation was held prior to the submission and plans for temporary parking and bus station during construction are being prepared.

The plan includes 345 car and 15 motorcycle spaces, interchange provision for buses and coaches with upgraded passenger facilities and a “lightweight sedum and photovoltaic dovetail roof structure.”

Highway access improvements are included as well as a revised taxi rank, upgraded replacement cycle routes and linages, cycle parking, public toilets and a Changing Places facility along with electric vehicle charging and anew public area.

The site 1.8hectare includes the existing bus station, multi storey car park and Bridgend Square car park adjacent to the Wilko service yard.

Comments can be made on the application before January 6, 2022.


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