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‘Twenty people in Pembrokeshire have died from Coronavirus’, says CEO

TWENTY people have died of coronavirus in Pembrokeshire, the council’s chief executive has said.

Ian Westley offered his condolences to the families in his video message on YouTube this morning (Friday, April 24).

Pembrokeshire County Council’s chief executive Mr Westley said: “We’ve currently got around 170 confirmed cases of Covid-19, and very sadly we’ve had 20 deaths in the county and again it would be appropriate for me to offer my condolences to all those people affected by that situation, and offer again any help and assistance we might be able to.”

Within the authority itself there are “just shy” of 390 staff off ill, said Mr Wesley, with a further 280 self-isolating.

There have also been around 180 staff redeployed into different areas, with 1,000 volunteering to be take on different roles, including 21 who have retrained to work in social care jobs and a further 18 currently being trained.
Mr Westley gave thanks to those now “working out in the field” as well as thanking the public for their cooperation.

He did highlight concerns about “community tensions rising” particularly in the run up to the bank holiday, on May 8, which are “quite understandable perhaps in the current environment” but were unpleasant.

He added: “I’m just putting a plea for calmness out there really. I’ve said to colleagues here in the office, whatever this time is, it isn’t the time to be falling out, and I’d be grateful if we could just adhere to a calm approach to everything that we are doing.”
Dyfed-Powys Police had reported a “sharp decrease in crime across the county” Mr Westley added.

While paying tribute to the hard work of staff, including those looking after the children of key workers, Mr Westley added that the council was also looking to the future and recovery.
“It’s in its infancy and we are starting to think about how recovery might look, both to the organisation from the county council’s point of view, to our communities across Pembrokeshire, obviously to business and the economy for the county and beyond, and particularly young people and education, who have suffered an enormous disruption as a consequence of the lockdown over the last four weeks.”

Anyone who needs extra help or advice can call the council’s Community Hub of 01437 776301 and there is also advice for businesses available as applications for grant support continue to flood in, at pembrokeshire.gov.uk/business-advice-and-support


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