
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

TWO police officers waded into the freezing sea on Wednesday (July 15) to rescue a vulnerable man.

PC Dean Greenslade and PC John Curry responded to a concern for welfare call about the man on Aberavon beachfront at 8am this morning.

Upon their arrival, the man, who was injured and agitated, ran off into the sea. The man continued to walk into the sea until the water was up to his neck.

Concerned that the man would fall unconscious or be dragged underwater and out to sea the officers did not hesitate and waded into the water bringing the man to safety. He was taken to hospital where he is in a stable condition.

Sergeant Gary Humphreys said: “PC Greenslade and Curry went above and beyond the call of duty this morning to save this vulnerable man. The outcome could have been very different if it was not for their actions.”

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