
Wales News Online

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UK and Ireland Greenlink Interconnector electricity scheme to be decided by council

THE next stage of linking the UK and Ireland’s electricity grid will be decided by Pembrokeshire County Council next week.

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority recently approved an application for underground cables on its land at Freshwater West up to the point of where council powers take over at Neath Farm, to the south of Pembroke Power Station.

The council’s planning committee will discuss two applications linked to the Greenlink Interconnector scheme at its meeting on Tuesday, July 28 – one for underground High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) and High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) electricity cables and another for a converter station.

The plan for a converter station on land at Lambeeth Farm includes an upgraded permanent access road from Wallaston Cross.

“The aim of Greenlink is to enhance energy security by providing a link between the European and British energy markets, thereby allowing the further integration of renewable and low carbon energy sources. Greenlink would also increase competition within the energy market and facilitate fuel diversity to the benefit of consumers in Great Britain, Ireland, and continental Europe,” states the planning report.

Both applications are recommended for approval by planning officers.

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