
Wales News Online

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Unpaid Carers encouraged to use rapid COVID self-test kits

On 11 May 2021, Welsh Government announced that access to rapid COVID self-test kits (lateral flow tests) is now available to Unpaid Carers.

People can order a test online or can collect from certain test sites across Wales, with no appointment needed. More information is available here: https://gov.wales/testing-coronavirus and you can find your nearest collection site here: https://maps.test-and-trace.nhs.uk/

Lateral flow tests enable regular asymptomatic testing for coronavirus and make it convenient and accessible for people not covered under existing schemes at workplaces, childcare settings, schools, colleges and universities.

About 1 in 3 people who test positive for coronavirus do not have symptoms but can still infect others, which means asymptomatic testing is an important way to keep people safe as restrictions are easing. Anyone with coronavirus symptoms should self-isolate and get a test by phoning 119, booking it online or via the NHS COVID-19 app.

Each person will routinely be able to collect or have delivered 2 packs of 7 rapid COVID self-test kits for home use. It is recommended that tests are undertaken twice a week (tested 3 – 4 days apart) with every result recorded on the UK government portal.

For further Information, please visit https://gov.wales/coronavirus


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