
Wales News Online

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VOLUNTEERS from a wide variety of backgrounds are needed to become school governors in Swansea and an information evening is taking place on October 13 so people can find more about the roles.

Swansea Council is particularly keen to hear from people from ethnic minority groups to help governing bodies become a truer representation of the communities schools serve.

Governors play a crucial role in driving school improvements, supporting head teachers and senior managers and in promoting opportunities for children and young people.

At the recruitment event between 5.30pm and 6.30pm in the George Hall at the Guildhall, people will have the opportunity to talk with current governors, hear from a headteacher on the importance of the roles and to ask any questions they may have.

The event is free but booking must be done in advance either by visiting https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/governors/governor-recruitment-event/e-avlpga or by phoning 07970 327925.

Cllr Robert Smith, Swansea Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Learning, said:

“In Swansea we are very grateful to have more than 1,500 volunteer school governors who play a vital role supporting and helping to improve our schools.

“Any person can apply to become a school governor and we particularly need new governors from under-represented groups.

“There are a number of training courses available provided by the council to assist all governors to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to govern their school effectively.

“You don’t need to be an experienced professional – it’s about attitude and enthusiasm to make a positive difference to the school in your community.

“You may find that along with supporting your local school you also gain and develop a whole new range of skills.

“I’d encourage anyone who is interested to find out more about these roles.”

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