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Walking and cycling routes £3m boost for Swansea communities

A SERIES of Active Travel walking and cycling routes are set to be developed in parts of Swansea to help improve the local environment and keep people healthy.

Swansea Council has received more than £3million from the Welsh Government Active Travel programme which will be used to construct a number of shared-use paths in communities across the city.

The new paths will link up with existing cycle and walking routes and help expand the overall cycling and walking infrastructure throughout Swansea.

Some of the funding will be used to create a new 900-metre off-road link between the A48 and the DVLA and run adjacent to Clasemont Road.

A new 1.46km path will also be developed in Townhill (the Ravine), linking up with Carmarthen Road and will help provide direct links into the city centre.

An off-road link will also be created in Morriston with improvements to existing paths and better links to the main strategic route along the River Tawe.

Improved links to Swansea Enterprise Park are also planned with a new 700m path alongside Jersey Road and will help boost links for residents in Winch Wen.

Stuart Davies, Head of Transportation and Highways in Swansea Council, said:

“This is welcome news for our ongoing commitment to increase our cycling and walking infrastructure across Swansea.

“Many of the new routes will link in with existing paths and provide better opportunities for residents to choose walking and cycling as a way of getting around the city.”

More than £1million is also included in the grant settlement for feasibility and design work relating to proposed routes featured in the current Integrated Network Map – a city-wide map of proposed routes for cycling and walking which was approved in 2018 following consultation with the public.

Mr Davies added:

“As well as using the funding to develop new routes, we also need to look at potential routes which are already included in our integrated network map. This additional funding will help us look at possible routes and designs.

“Part of this next stage will be to work and consult with communities as designs are developed and encourage local people to be involved in creating sustainable, healthy transport links that benefit everyone.”

Total funding received for Active Travel is £3,324,000, including £1,197,000 core allocation for feasibility and design of future routes.

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