
Wales News Online

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Welsh Conservative commit to “love”our Union ahead of Valentine’s Day

THE Welsh Conservatives will be the only mainstream political party entering the Senedd election committed to upholding Wales’ place in the United Kingdom.

Welsh Conservative leader, Andrew RT Davies, has confirmed all of the party’s selected Senedd candidates this May will campaign for a strong Wales in a strong United Kingdom, with a Welsh Government and a UK Government working together in the interests of the people of Wales.

In contrast, the Labour Party in Wales has recently confirmed the selection of three openly pro-independence candidates, whilst Plaid Cymru have confirmed its intention to hold an independence referendum in the next Senedd term.

 The Welsh Conservative pledge signed up by all selected candidates states:

  • I support a strong Wales being in a strong United Kingdom.
  • Being a part of the United Kingdom is the best way to advance Wales’ interests both at home and abroad. Supporting Welsh businesses to trade, protecting and enhancing Welsh culture, and securing the best possible public services that Welsh people and their families rely on.
  • As a Welsh Conservative I will continue to campaign for a strong Wales in a strong United Kingdom. With a Welsh Government and a UK Government working together in the interests of the people of Wales.

 Commenting, Welsh Conservative Senedd leader, Andrew RT Davies said:

“We make no apologies for championing the Union and we will rebuild our country by working together and delivering a strong voice for Wales, in a strong United Kingdom.

“Whilst other mainstream political parties want to flirt with division and fan the flames of separation, Welsh Conservatives are steadfast in the belief that the UK is the best way to advance Wales’ interests both at home and abroad.

“And as we move out of the pandemic and seek to build our country back better than before, we need governments at both ends of the M4 working together in unison.”

Photo credit: wiki commons/ welsh senedd

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