
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Welsh Government decision on hydropower schemes “a huge backwards step for renewable energy in Wales” warns Plaid

IN response to the news that business rate relief is being withdrawn for private hydropower schemes in Wales, Plaid Cymru Shadow Minister for the Environment, Llyr Gruffydd MS said,

“This decision by the Welsh Government is a huge backwards step for renewable energy in Wales. Not only is the Government risking making large parts of the hydro sector unviable, it has also refused to consider a compromise put forward by the sector. It’s burying its head in the sand by ignoring a report the Government itself commissioned, which offers a long-term solution.

“Wales has quite rightly declared a climate emergency. Yet, the rate of installation of new renewable energy capacity in Wales has fallen every under Labour since 2015. Now Labour Ministers are undermining what renewable energy generation we already have.

“How can we believe the Government when it says it wants a green recovery and to build back better when it has clearly decided that the hydro sector in Wales isn’t part of its plans? To have practically abandoned the sector in such a way is both short sighted and reprehensible.”

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