
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

CEREDIGION County Council has granted a request for the Welsh Guards to have the honorary freedom of the county.

A ceremony will be held in Cardigan on June 24 next year at the request of the regiment following the approval of full council last Thursday (December 19).

Cllr Paul Hinge said that following the service of commemoration and dedication of a new plaque on Cardigan War Memorial, recognising the “ultimate sacrifice” of three residents.

In the same week, on June 27 2020, the reaffirmation of the freedom of Ceredigion parade by the Royal Welsh will also be held, this time in Aberaeron.

Members were also asked to note that the formal launch of the Veteran’s Hub in Penparcau had been postponed because of the general election and will now be held on March 26, 2020.

Cllr Paul Hinge said the commemoration and dedication service at Cardigan War Memorial went very well and there had been a positive response.

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