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Welsh Lib Dem candidate for Pontypridd expresses concerns following spike in Covid cases at Royal Glamorgan Hospital

COMMENTING on the recent events at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital Steven Rajam Welsh Liberal Democrat candidate for Pontypridd said:

“This is an extremely concerning situation, our NHS staff are doing an incredible job at a difficult time and I wish them well in treating patients and tackling this spike in cases.

“These are unprecedented circumstances, and given that, it’s absolutely right that non-urgent care is being transferred to both halt the spread and so staff can focus on treating and eradicating this latest outbreak.

“We also need to understand and learn how and why this outbreak has manifested itself so suddenly in our area so that the rest of Wales can learn from it to ensure it doesn’t happen elsewhere.”

Lead Welsh Liberal Democrat candidate for South Wales Central Rodney Burman added:

“My fear is that this could be the shape of things to come, not just at the Royal Glamorgan but across other parts of Wales where infection rates have been growing. Work needs to be undertaken now to work out how we could minimise other health services having to be suspended, including by examining what may have worked successfully in other countries.

“Could we look for instance and having some hospitals dedicated to treating Covid patients whilst we aim to keep others Covid-free? We also need to consider if we are doing enough to reduce the chance of Covid-19 being passed on within hospitals. A careful balance needs to be struck as there are clearly knock-on effects from delaying other treatments.”

Pic. welshlibdems.wales


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