
Wales News Online

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Welsh Lib Dems infant class sizes fund ‘making a difference’

THE Welsh Liberal Democrats’ Infant Class Sizes Fund has been found to be ‘making a real difference’ a new report published today has shown.

The £36m Infant Class Sizes Fund is a Welsh Lib Dem policy that was implemented as part of the Progressive Agreement between Kirsty Williams and the First Minister. The policy targets schools that would most benefit from smaller classes, such as those with high levels of deprivation.

The report shows that the percentage of all infant classes and learners in classes over 30 has reduced since the introduction of the grant, with a reduction in class sizes across all targeted schools.

Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds commented:

“I’m pleased to see this report conclude that our Infant Class Sizes Fund is having a transformational impact on the lives of children across Wales. This is a clear example of the positive impact Welsh Liberal Democrats can make in government.”

Welsh Liberal Democrat Education Minister Kirsty Williams added:

“I was proud to introduce the Infant Class Sizes Fund in government. I introduced this fund to give teachers the time to teach and children the space to learn. I’m delighted that the fund is proving so successful.

“Reducing class sizes is a key strand of our national mission to raise standards and ensure every young person has the opportunity to achieve their full potential.”

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