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Welsh Liberal Democrats announce candidates for the Mid and West Wales Region

THE Welsh Liberal Democrats are pleased to announce their candidates for the Mid and West Wales region in this year’s Senedd election.

The list will be led by party leader Jane Dodds. Jane will be joined on the list by former Assembly Member William Powell, Alistair Cameron, Cllr Stephen Churchman and Cadan ap Tomos.

Jane Dodds and William Powell are both former parliamentarians and will be fighting hard to regain this seat along with holding Brecon and Radnorshire for the party.

In 2016 the Welsh Liberal Democrats were just 2,214 votes short in a region of almost 450,000 voters from winning a regional seat in addition to Brecon and Radnorshire.

Jane Dodds said:

“I’m delighted to be leading the list in Mid and West Wales. As we emerge from lockdown and hopefully put Covid behind us we need a strong voice in our Senedd to ensure our rural communities are represented in the corridors of power.

“I am passionate about bringing people together, improving life chances for the least advantaged and finding ways to protect the natural world while generating a thriving economy.

“If elected I will speak up for all of Mid and West Wales and ensure that in the coming years every decision I make will help put our recovery first.”

William Powell added:

“I am looking forward to this campaign. Over the last few years, we’ve seen the difference one Liberal Democrat can make to the Senedd and I’m keen to see that number grow.

“Mid and West Wales is a very special place made up of unique communities, with land farmed by families over the generations and vibrant towns and villages each of which add character to the Wales we know today.

“I’m looking forward to fighting a positive campaign that champions the issues that matter to people across Mid and West Wales.”

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