
Wales News Online

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Welsh Liberal Democrats Call for a General Election

Responding to the news that Kwasi Kwarteng has been sacked as Chancellor, Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds MS said:

“This economic crisis we have been facing wasn’t started by Kwasi Kwarteng alone, it was a direct consequence of Liz Truss’ economic fantasies.

“The Conservatives have lurched from extreme to extreme over the last seven years, causing economic vandalism on a massive scale. We owe it to the households, individuals and businesses up and down Wales and the rest of the UK who have been hit hard by this crisis, to take firm action now.

“Across Wales, people are angry, fed up and worried about the future. Most of all, they are furious that Conservative MPs seem to think this is an acceptable way to conduct the government of our country in these difficult times.

“Enough is enough, Truss should call a general election. The public did not give her a mandate to pursue policies so radically different from the 2019 Conservative manifesto nor to trash our economy and cause families up and down the country hardship.

“The Welsh Liberal Democrats are prepared to fight a general election and play our role in removing the Conservative Party from power.”

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