
Wales News Online

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William Bramble confirmed as new chief executive of Pembrokeshire County council

Pembrokeshire County Council has confirmed its new chief executive at an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday, March 31.
Will Bramble take on the role and said he is “utterly delighted.”

Presiding member Cllr Pat Davies welcomed Mr Bramble to the authority at the meeting on Wednesday, much of which was held in private session while councillors questioned the incoming chief executive before formally confirming his appointment.

“I know it’s going to be a challenge, I know times have been particularly tough. I see this very much as an honour and a privilege,” said Mr Bramble, adding he was excited about the opportunity and would now start the process of moving to the area.

Cllr Davies added: “You have had a taste of this council this morning, we are an elective mix at this council.”
The workforce was dedicated to working for the people of the county she said, and “I am sure you will have that commitment as well.”
She acknowledge Mr Bramble’s “change of career” from the Ministry of Defence.

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