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THE new mayor of Wrexham says he is “honoured and proud” after taking up his chain of office.

Independent councillor Ronnie Prince, who represents the Cartrefle ward of Caia Park, was elected to the role at a meeting held yesterday (Tuesday, 25 May).

Cllr Prince, who has served his community since 1999, was chosen at Wrexham Council’s AGM after his name was put forward by council leader Mark Pritchard.

He was sworn in at a mayor making ceremony at the town’s Guildhall, with other councillors watching online because of the coronavirus pandemic, and is joined by Sunanda Kapas as mayoress.

Addressing his colleagues, he said: “First of all, let me say how honoured and proud I am on becoming the mayor of Wrexham, the town where I was born and raised.

“Whilst Sunanda and I were carrying out our duties as deputy mayor and deputy mayoress, we met some wonderful people doing some fantastic work.

“This is happening all around Wrexham that you ordinarily would not have the ability and privilege to see.

“Hopefully, with lockdown easing, the opportunity to continue to meet with many extraordinary people from all around Wrexham will present itself once again.”

He added: “Sunanda and I are both looking forward to the coming year with great enthusiasm and we would like nothing more than to share our passion as ambassadors to as many people around Wrexham as possible.

“In doing so we hope to raise money for some worthy cause too.”

Cllr Prince takes over as mayor from Llay councillor Rob Walsh, who served for two terms because of the pandemic.

During his second year, he was largely unable to attend events due to social distancing measures or wear his chain of office.

However, he was quickly supplied with a replica made by pupils at Llay Park CP School.

Paying tribute to the outgoing mayor, executive board member David Griffiths said: “We’ve all experienced the devastation that Covid has brought, but wherever Rob has been he has successfully brought happiness to those he met and given us that bit of light that was needed.

“Rob could not get into the guildhall because of Covid restrictions to get his chain of office, but the cavalry was waiting in the wings and Llay junior school came to his rescue.

“Who can forget the wonderful new chain of office, which I know brought smiles to many who have seen it. It also made his term of office that bit more memorable.

“I know Rob has thoroughly enjoyed himself, which was evident in the way he carried out his duties with great enthusiasm.”

Cllr Brian Cameron, who represents the Whitegate ward, was also elected as deputy mayor, with his wife Kerry serving as mayoress.

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