
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

BUSINESSES in Llanelli are being encouraged to vote on the renewal of the Llanelli Business Improvement District (BID).

The BID Ymlaen Llanelli was established in 2016 to improve the town through a collective effort over a five-year term.

Since its inception, Ymlaen Llanelli has run regular events in the town centre including an open-air cinema, 80s festival as well as a food and drink festival attracting nearly 130,000 people.

Businesses pay an annual levy of 1.25 per cent every year, generating more than £100,000 per year which is reinvested into projects and services within the town centre to encourage footfall.

Over the proposed second five-year delivery period of the BID, it is estimated that £456,095 would be collected via a 1.25% levy on the rateable value of commercial properties within the BID delivery area.

The initiative has four pledges for action above and beyond those currently provided by the local authorities. It will be guaranteed by a baseline agreement between Llanelli BID and Carmarthenshire County Council and Llanelli Town Council. These include

Boosting Marketing, Enhancing experience, Improving access and Developing Strategy

Carmarthenshire County Council leader and BID board member, Cllr Emlyn Dole said:

“This initiative has been very successful in Llanelli town centre for the past five years with events attracting thousands of visitors into the town. It really has made a big difference so I am pleased to support the ballot and happy that Ymlaen Llanelli wants to come back for a second term.”

Ballot papers will be sent to all business addresses eligible to vote within the BID area. The BID Ballot Day will take place on Thursday, March 4.

Due to lockdown and some businesses being closed you may require to adjust the address to which your ballot paper is sent, if so please email mandy.jenkins@themeans.co.uk with a second address.

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