
Wales News Online

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Young Ellie walks the peaks for Dad with Cystic Fibrosis

A YOUNG girl from Carmarthenshire has set herself a challenge of walking some of the highest peaks in Wales in aid of Cystic Fibrosis.

Here Ellie tells her story:

“My name is Ellie and I am 10 years old. I have decided to climb Pen Y Fan and Snowdon with my mother and uncle to raise money for and awareness of Cystic Fibrosis.

“My Dadi has Cystic Fibrosis and this makes his chest bad and he needs a lot of antibiotics mostly through a line they put in his arm. Sometimes Dadi has to go to the Cystic Fibrosis unit in Llandough Hospital when he’s really bad.

“I get to go see him all the time and the doctors and nurses are really nice. There are only 7 beds in the unit and sometimes patients have to wait to go there and some patients are in there for a few weeks or a few months.

“The Better Life Appeal for Cystic Fibrosis are raising money to build a bigger CF unit – more beds for patients who are bad and they want to make it feel more like home for patients and families who are in there for a long time.

“The team in Llandough are always giving Dadi new things, medications and different equipment which cost a lot of money. They keep Dadi well to carry on doing things with me, Amily and Mami.

“I want to help raise money for Cystic Fibrosis so they can carry on looking after Dadi and all the other people with Cystic Fibrosis – so if you would like to sponsor me I would be very grateful.”

Thank you, Ellie

You can visit Ellie’s Just Giving Page here:


The challenge involves a year of fundraising for Cystic Fibrosis Better Life appeal

The challenge: Myself, My Mother and  Uncle

January              – To walk pen y fan mountain

February 17th  – To walk pen y fan mountain

March 23rd      – To walk pen y fan mountain

April 13th         – To walk pen y fan mountain

May 11th         – To walk pen y fan mountain

June 23rd         – To walk pen y fan mountain

July 14th           – To walk Snowdon mountain

August – To complete the SAS training event ‘the fan dance’ (29 miles of mountain walk)

September – My Uncle will do one last challenge on his own which is to complete on foot 100,0000 meters in the single month (which on average is 21 miles every day).

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