
Wales News Online

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Adult household contacts of adults with severe immunosuppression to be offered COVID-19 vaccination

THE Welsh Government has accepted Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation’s advice that people over 16 who live with individuals with severely weakened immune systems should be offered COVID-19 vaccination as a priority.

Arrangements are now being made to invite these individuals for vaccination. Full details will follow.

Adults who are immunosuppressed have a weaker immune system to fight infections naturally and are more likely to have poorer outcomes following COVID-19 infection. There is growing evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines may reduce the chance of someone who has been vaccinated passing the virus on. Vaccinating household contacts will help limit the spread of the virus to immunosuppressed adults.

Household contacts considered as a priority would be those over 16 who share living accommodation with adults who are immunosuppressed. The JCVI does not currently advise vaccination of household contacts of immunosuppressed children, or children who are household contacts of immunosuppressed adults.

Adults with severe immunosuppression should have already been offered COVID-19 vaccination as part of group 6 (all individuals aged 16 to 64 years with underlying health conditions as defined by the JVCI). Please follow the instructions for your health board on this link if you are in this category and have not received an invitation for vaccination yet.

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