
Wales News Online

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FOUR new houses, including one affordable home aimed at a target market of “young local people” could be built in Llanerfyl soon.

A detailed reserved matters planning application to build four dwellings at Derwen on Talerddig Road, has been submitted to Powys County Council (PCC) by Mr D Jones

Outline planning permission for the site was given in August 2018.

A reserved matter application dealing with road access had also been given permission in February 2019.

But an outline plan for seven homes to be built on the site was refused in December 2017.

The development will be for, two four bedroom houses, a three bedroom bungalow, and a three bedroom affordable home.

Agent, Gerallt Davies of Roger Parry and Partners, explained the development  in a planning statement.

Mr Davies said: “The scale of properties ensure they are all going to be naturally affordable in their own right, which will ensure they are available for young local people in the area.

“The layout of the development will complement the existing village, in that it will not encroach into the vast open countryside, and is situated directly by other built developments and the road infrastructure.

“The access remains unchanged from the approved reserved matters permission and therefore it is not considered as part of this reserved matters application.

“Each plot will have their own individual access, which will be private.

“This will in turn be beneficial, and ensure that PCC isn’t required to adopt the access, which saves maintenance cost.”

In an earlier planning application, not having PCC adopt the road had caused concern amongst residents and Llanerfyl Community Council..

Mr Davies added: “The principle of development has already been accepted at outline stage and reserved matters approved associated with the matter of access.

“The proposed design, layout, landscaping and scale are all considered in keeping with the surrounding area and therefore should be considered acceptable.”

“The layout illustrates that four dwellings can sit comfortably within the site, with enough amenity and parking space.”

The application will be decided at a later date.

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