
Wales News Online

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Annual Aberavon beach dog order comes into place on May 1st

DOG owners are being reminded the annual Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) covering Aberavon Beach and its promenade comes into effect on May 1st and lasts until September 30th, 2021.

This prohibits dogs from entering a designated part of the beach and requires dogs to be on a lead at all times on the promenade. Dog owners can be prosecuted for failure to comply with the order.

The PSPO allows authorised officers to deal with offences by means of a fixed penalty notice, therefore, allowing offenders the opportunity to discharge their liability to conviction by paying the fine.

However, should the fine not be paid within the specified period, the matter will then be progressed to the legal department with a view to prosecuting the individuals concerned.

The beach and promenade welcome dog owners and their dogs but the order from May 1st to September 30th is in place because the beach area is extremely busy during these months.



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