
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

EVERY year it causes a stir and this week sees the advance notice of another planned pay rise for councillors in 2020.

The salaries of elected members are set by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW).

It will issue its annual report in February 2020 but the draft version was recently published, and circulated to councillors, a report to democratic services committee on Thursday (October 24) states.

The draft report states that there will be a 2.5 percent – £350 – increase to the basic councillor salary to £14,218 from April 1, 2020.

Last year’s pay increase was just under 2 percent and the 2020 rise will be the fourth year in row wages have gone up.

It is proposed that the council leader and senior salary members will receive a £350 increase, rather than a percentage rise, according to the draft proposals.

That increase the leader’s pay to £49,450 in Pembrokeshire and £44,450 in Ceredigion.

The difference in pay is linked to the categorisation of Pembrokeshire as a group B authority and Ceredigion a group C, based on population.

Councillors are being consulted on the draft proposals until December 10 before the final report and determination are published.


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