
Wales News Online

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Brexit deal must be ‘put to the people’ says Leader of Welsh Lib Dems

COMMENTING on reports that a deal has been agreed between the EU and the UK Government, the Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats Jane Dodds has said that any Brexit deal must be put to the people. In a statement the Lib Dem leader said:

“It is remarkably clear that Boris Johnson’s deal would be bad for our economy, bad for our public services, and bad for our environment.

“His deal will create a hard border down the Irish Sea, hurting Welsh farmers and businesses – as well as causing chaos at our ports. The deal is so bad even the DUP has said they won’t back it and no Welsh MP should be supporting it either.

“The next few days will set the direction of our country for generations, and I am more determined than ever to fight to stop Brexit and protect Wales’ place in Europe.

“This deal must be put to the public, with the option to remain. When this deal comes before Parliament, I and my Liberal Democrat colleagues will do all we can to make sure we get a People’s Vote.”

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