
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Police confirm body recovered from River Taff is that of 22-year-old Brooke Morris

SOUTH Wales Police have confirmed that the body recovered from the River Taff near Abercynon on Wednesday afternoon (16 October) has been formally identified as being that of 22 year-old Brooke Morris, from Trelewis, who was reported missing on Saturday, 12 October, 2019.

The Coroner has been informed and a post mortem is due to be carried out to determine the cause of Brooke’s death.

South Wales Police officers are continuing to provide support to Brooke’s family.

Officers would like to thank the local community for the help they have given the search effort.

Anybody affected by what has been a traumatic event for the local community is reminded of the help available to them from Samaritans which can be contacted for free on 116 123.

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