
Wales News Online

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Bryncenydd Estate community group Caerphilly plants roots

ONE community in Caerphilly has firmly planted roots thanks to the efforts of local people and a funding boost from Caerphilly County Borough Council.

Bryncenydd Estate Community Group worked together with local ward members, Cllr Shayne Cook, Cllr James Pritchard and Caerphilly County Borough Council to brighten up their local area with a tree-planting project.

Funding of £3,000 was provided for the project from the Council’s Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) programme; which will see around £270 million in total invested into the homes of council tenants and their local communities.

Planting was completed recently by the Council’s Parks Team at sites in Heol-y-Parc and Plas Phillips; with tree varieties consisting of Liquidamber, Brabant’s silver lime and Rowan.

Cllrs James Pritchard and Shayne Cook, local ward members, said:

“During the initial consultation with the community on potential WHQS environmental improvements, residents were really keen to take part in the planting themselves but unfortunately the pandemic made this impossible for us to arrange.  Having spoken to the community since the planting, however, they are very pleased with the results.”

The Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing and Property, Cllr Lisa Phipps, added “As we near completion of our WHQS programme it’s fantastic to see that the environmental element of the standard is still continuing to bring such improvements to our local communities.  Projects such as this not only improve areas aesthetically but also contribute to reducing our carbon emissions and creating a greener environment for future generations.”

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