
Wales News Online

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Care workers deserve a “long-term pay rise which rewards them fairly” says Plaid Cymru

PLAID Cymru Shadow Minister for Public Service Transformation, Delyth Jewell MS said,

“It should not take the spectre of an election for the Labour Welsh Government to recognise the invaluable work of our health and care workers.

“This announcement is welcome, of course, but it does regrettably characterise the reactive approach of the Labour government over the last twenty years, always doing too little too late.

“Our care workers keep our society running, and the role they do is invaluable. What they really deserve is not just a one-off payment, but a long-term pay rise which rewards them fairly for their contribution, as well as the fundamental reform to social care which has long proposed by Plaid Cymru.

“If Welsh Labour agree that we should be paying healthcare workers fairly all year round, they can vote for the motion Plaid Cymru is putting forward in the Senedd this afternoon. I look forward to seeing the result of the vote.”

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