
Wales News Online

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Police release e-fit of suspects wanted in connection with attempted robbery

Detectives investigating an attempted robbery from a dog owner in Pentwyn, Cardiff, have released e-fits of the three suspects.

The incident happened lunchtime on Thursday, February 25 on the wooded trail that runs between Eastern Avenue and the Rumney River near Pentwyn.

A 30-year-old man was walking his two dogs near the Rumney River when three men, one armed with a craft knife, tried to steal his eight-year-old Labrador.

As he is fought off the suspects, a dog poo bag he was carrying split and the contents burst over one of the men who all fled empty handed.

A member of public stopped to help and contacted South Wales Police.

The victim, who suffered facial injuries and concussion, is recovering well at home with his two dogs who are also safe and well.

It is believed the suspects walked through Pentwyn and Llanrumney before and after the attempt robbery.

Detective Constable Kirsty Matthews said: “The victim was extremely brave and it is fortunate that he was not more seriously hurt as he did everything he could to stop the men from taking his dog.

“We appreciate this incident caused a lot of concern locally, on social media and will no doubt worry all dog owners.

“This is an isolated incident and extensive enquiries are being carried out to identify and arrest those responsible.”

South Wales Police is aware of a number of posts regarding dog thefts, including vehicles being used suspiciously, are circulating on social media.

We know posts such as these can cause concern but we can reassure dog owners that the number of dog thefts being reported to South Wales Police remains very low.

If you recognise the suspects from the e-fits or have any information on this incident, please contact us quoting occurrence *066613.

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