
Wales News Online

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City concrete suppliers outline plans for new Newport manufacturing facility

PLANS for a new concrete manufacturing facility in Newport have been outlined with the city council.

Concrete suppliers Marshalls, based in Eastern Dry Dock, Corporation Road, want to replace an old plant and equipment with a new building.

The proposed development would see a new 6,352 sq-meter building erected, with space for facilities to manufacture concrete landscape products and space for offices and amenities.

Existing offices and amenity blocks towards the centre of the site would be demolished, as these will be replaced.

The proposal also seeks to create three additional covered stores, measuring 670 sq-meters, which will be added to an existing storage area for the manufacture of flag and kerb.

An area on the site, which falls within a Site of Interest for Nature Conservation, will also be paved to provide a suitable area for additional material storage.

Vehicle access off East Bank Road will be used by staff, while bulk deliveries and HGVs will enter from existing access via Corporation Road.

Planning permission for the development was approved in 2012, but the development was not progressed due to the proposed M4 relief road which would “severely impact the operation of the site and proposal”, according to planning documents.

Following the Welsh Government’s decision to scrap the relief road, it was decided to move forward with the plans.

A request for an environmental impact assessment screening opinion, which is normally submitted before a formal planning application, has now been lodged with the city council.

A planning report says the development is “major in scale”, but it adds that it would “not result in such significant or complex adverse effects on the environment as to warrant environmental impact assessment”.

“The environmental effects of the proposed development are likely to be of local significance only,” the report adds.

A large area of scrub and a pond near to the main industrial site would not be developed under the plans.

The area is included within the planning application boundary as it is intended to provide green infrastructure to support the proposals on the main site.

A spokeswoman for Marshalls said:

“As part of our long-term investment strategy for Marshalls, we are currently looking at re-developing part of our Newport works to create an additional manufacturing facility.

“The development would be a new production building contained within our existing site and, once complete, would enable us to meet growing customer demand.”

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