
Wales News Online

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A GROUP will be established to look at how Pembrokeshire County Council can become a net carbon zero organisation by 2030 as it strives to combat climate change.

After declaring a climate emergency at its last full council meeting, Cllr Joshua Beynon’s notice of motion was discussed by scrutiny.

Recommendations, including setting up a politically balanced working group to discuss evidence as it develops a plan, time-scales, and ideas to aid a carbon zero neutral plan, came back for further approval on July 18.

At July’s full council members agreed to include a recommendation to approach the Welsh Government about the possibility of becoming ‘early adopters’ to gain early insight as well as potentially help develop national guidelines, proposed by cabinet member Cllr Cris Tomos.

Cllr Mike Stoddart also proposed that costings of any ideas also be outlined because “we don’t want this group coming up with mad ideas that are going to cost us an arm and a leg, we want it to be realistic.”

“It would be easy to get to zero carbon by 2030 but without knowing how much it costs,” he said.

Unaffiliated councillors to sit on the working group were decided by ballot, with Cllrs Jon Harvey and Mike Stoddart receiving 25 votes.

A coin toss was suggested and Cllr Harvey nominated, along with cabinet member Cllr Neil Prior. The other political groups will put forward their members at a later date.

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