
Wales News Online

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THE final sign off has been given to plans to transform disused quayside buildings – including a former snooker hall – into flats with no need to refer the proposals to Welsh Government.

Full council was told by the interim head of planning David Popplewell that because not all of the site at Quay Street, Haverfordwest, was in a flood zone, plans to regenerate it did not need Welsh Government approval.

At its meeting on July 18 Pembrokeshire County Council members endorsed a previous planning committee decision to approve the proposal to convert three Grade II listed buildings, and demolish and replace a fourth, at Quay Street, into 16 apartments, commercial floorspace, and parking garage.

Flood mitigation measures, including using the ground floor for parking and electrical points raised above potential water levels will be in place before anyone moves in.

Cllr Tim Evans said that he had spoken to the building’s previous owner who was in his 70s and “in all his years its never been flooded.”

The planning committee considered the application in May.

The southernmost building – building one – is a grade II listed building and it has an interior floor space of 152 square metres to include a cycle and bin store on the ground floor and a two bedroom flat on the first and second floor.

Building two –  known as the Agricultural Co-Op Warehouse – is the largest with an interior floor space of 956 square metres over five floors.

It would have a car parking garage on the ground and first floor and eight one and two bedroom flats on the second, third and fourth floors.

The smallest building – number three – would be demolished and replaced with room to include a car parking garage and stairwell on the ground floor, and three one and two bedroom flats on the first and second

Office space will be created in building four – 26 Quay Street – as well as four one bedroom flats on the first and second floors, along with a bin store and parking on the ground floor which would require demolition of part an existing wall.


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