
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Dear Editor,

Every day across Wales hundreds of thousands of people provide unpaid care for a family member, friend or neighbour who is ill, disabled, has mental health issues or addiction; someone who simply couldn’t manage without them.

Unpaid carers are the vital third pillar of our health and social care system; without them the health and social care system would collapse.  We know that many are unaware of information and support that is available.

We’re working closely with Welsh Government to encourage unpaid carers to come forward and “make themselves known”.

Every local authority has a legal duty to provide information, advice, assessment, and support which can be offered in many different ways.  GPs are also able to help and it is important they know when patients have a caring responsibility for someone else.

There are organisations committed to supporting unpaid carers too such as Carers Wales and Carers Trust Wales.

Our call to your readers is please come forward if you are a carer… in essence, “make yourself known”. 


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