
Wales News Online

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Council deploys extra resources to community after disorder

SWANSEA Council has deployed extra resources to the Mayhill and Waun Wen area of the city following last night’s disorder (May 20)

Council teams are already on-site to lead the clean-up operation and help make people’s properties safe and secure. This includes helping with repairs to damaged doors and windows.

Council officers will also be removing any burned-out cars and repairing damaged areas of roads and pavements.

Bollards removed during the disturbances will be replaced with temporary concrete bollards for the time being.

Cllr Rob Stewart, Swansea Council Leader, said:

“We are here for the community of Mayhill and Waun Wen. The council is acting quickly to respond to last night’s disorder by cleaning up the damage, reassuring residents, and help make people’s properties safe and secure. We will also liaise with residents in the community to explore if there is any further support the council can give.

“What happened last night is neither reflective of Mayhill and Waun Wen, nor Swansea. These yobs are a minority and their behaviour is disgusting and unacceptable. We are working with South Wales Police to help identify, pursue and prosecute those responsible.

“People have the right to feel safe in their home and community. We will be doing everything we can with the police to ensure this doesn’t happen again.”

The council is urging anyone with information to contact South Wales Police.

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