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Council release details of summer childcare provision

SCHOOLS in Carmarthenshire will close on July 17 and childcare provision for key worker children aged 4-12 will also come to an end on this date.

Welsh Government has made it clear that it does not expect local authorities to continue to provide this childcare throughout the summer holidays; and childcare arrangements will need to be made in much the same way as in previous years.

Various options are available to support children and young people during the summer holidays including:

Provision will be available for vulnerable children identified through the Education and Children’s Services Department. Support will be based upon each individual family’s circumstances and they will be contacted directly to make the necessary arrangements.
Key worker families with children of pre-school age (0-3) can continue to access the Coronavirus Childcare Assistance Scheme up until August 31. The closing date for new entrants is July 12. Further information can be found on the council website newsroom.carmarthenshire.gov.wales

Private childcare providers can now reopen to all families, although social distancing measures will need to be in place. This will increase the range of provision for parents throughout the summer. Please visit the Family Information Service website fis.carmarthenshire.gov.wales which has a list of providers that have confirmed they are open, or are going to open for the summer. The list is being regularly updated. For further information or advice please email childreninfo@carmarthenshire.gov.uk or call the Family Information Service on 01267 246555.

People from two separate households are now able to join together to form one exclusive extended household. This will allow families to reunite and support care arrangements. It may also help support working parents with informal childcare over the summer period.

Executive Board Member for Education and Children’s Services Cllr Glynog Davies said: “It has been a very difficult time for families over the past few months and I would like to thank them for their support and patience during this time.

“I would also like to thank all the staff at our childcare hubs and our schools as well as all the private childcare settings for all their hard work and dedication in looking after key worker children and vulnerable children during the pandemic, without them our frontline staff would not have been able to continue to respond to the crisis.

“As restrictions begin to lift and we go into the summer holidays, our childcare hubs will now close. Our Family Information Service is supporting private childcare providers to re-open safely to all children; and families who need information on childcare during the summer months can visit the website or contact the team directly for advice.

“We will continue to do all we can to support both providers and families during this time.”

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