
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

HOUSEHOLDERS are being urged not to act on Council Tax rebate emails circulating in the county.

Carmarthenshire County Council’s trading standards say it is an online scam and another attempt to get residents bank details.

The email claiming to be from GOV.UK address states that its recipient is entitled to a refund of a particular amount.

It goes on to say that they should click on the link to get the money paid into the bank faster.

Officers are warning people not to click on the link and say if anyone is a due a refund it will be indicated on the usual credit bill that is sent out by the council tax section and not by email.

The council’s executive board member for public protection, Cllr Philip Hughes said: “This seems to be doing the rounds again and is just another ploy to get residents to hand over their bank details – it is a scam. If anyone receives an email like this or is unsure as to the validity of such a notice then please contact our council tax section. Do not click on the link included in it.”

If you receive an email claiming your entitled to a council tax rebate then contact 01554 742200

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