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CAERPHILLY County Borough Council’s Cabinet has agreed to publish its written gender pay gap statement for 2020.

This information will be published and available for access by members of the public, press and other interested parties through both the Council and UK Government websites.

The Council’s gender pay gap statement for 2020 will be published on its website www.caerphilly.gov.uk and on the UK Government website www.gov.uk/report-gender-pay-gap-data by 30th March.

The Council’s gender pay gap data and written statement is based on a high-level snapshot of the difference in the average pay between all men and women in a workforce.  In accordance with the Specific Duties and Public Authorities Regulations, the data includes all employees of the Council who were paid on 31 March 2020.

Cllr Colin Gordon, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, said:

“The Council is open and transparent in its approach to pay, as the publication of this information demonstrates.

The identification of a gender pay gap provides us with a trigger for further investigation about the reasons why the pay gap exists.  We are confident that our gender pay gap does not stem from paying male and female employees differently for the same or equivalent work.  It is, however, reflective of the causes of the gender pay gap at a societal level. The vast majority of posts in the lower quartile of data are part-time posts and these are the posts that continue to predominantly attract female applicants.

We support our employees to work part-time in all other posts across the Council’s services via an array of family-friendly policies that offer men and women the opportunity to find a balance between work, leisure, family and caring responsibilities.

The Council is opposed to discrimination in any form.”

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