
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

A PLANNING application to build a warehouse that could create jobs in the north of Powys has been submitted to planners.
Chris Gilliard of NiBS (Northern Industrial Battery Services) Limited has applied for planning permission to build a warehouse with the associated external works for commercial/industrial use at the Four Crosses Business Park.

The 0.15 hectare site is already allocated in the Local Development Plan for “economic use.”

During the last decade the company have received permission, and built two warehouses close by
Agent, Gareth Edwards of Design and Planning Associates Limited, explained the proposal in a design and access statement.
Mr Edwards, said:

“The proposed development is located within mixture of commercial and industrial properties which surround the site which has a variety of building styles, scale and design.
“It will provide employment opportunities for local tradesmen, of which there
are many in the Four Crosses/Welshpool area, and building works such as this will stimulate wider benefits, not only in terms of generating wealth at the build stage, but also during the lifetime of the building by positively contributing to the local economy by employing local people.”

The character of the estate will not be harmed, but to the contrary will improve and enhance and provide a positive contribution to its overall appearance.

With the Rivers Severn and Vyrnwy joining at nearby Crewgreen, land in the area is prone to flooding.
Mr Edwards explained that Natural Resources Wales (NRW) had been contacted to discuss whether the site is likely to flood.
It was confirmed  by NRW that the land is not in a flood zone.

NiBS are the the UK’s leading accredited specialist standby power company.
According to their website they: “offer a range of products and services to provide expert independent technical advice, products and services to meet various industrial standby power requirements.”

The application will be decided by planners at a future date.

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