
Wales News Online

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Councillor requests committee decision on application for bungalow in Capel Tygwydd

COUNCILLOR Lyndon Lloyd has requested that the development control committee at Ceredigion County Council decide an application for a market value bungalow and workshop in Capel Tygwydd.

The application is on land adjacent to Ty Alaw, Ponthirwaun which could be considered as “infill” between the applicant’s current house Ty Alaw and their neighbours.

It has been recommended for refusal by planning officers.

In a report to development control on Wednesday, July 22 Cllr Lloyd’s reasons for requesting committee consideration include: affordable housing needs being met, good access, use of infill rather than greenfield and that the bungalow is needed for retirement.

The application has come to committee before and in January councillors were minded to approve it if conditions on highway improvements were met.

The latest report states that the applicant has not agreed to make highway improvements but allow the council to pay for works on their land.

“The applicant has already built two dwellings along this minor roadway and this proposal would comprise of the third open market planning permission for a residential dwelling granted to the applicants along this minor road adjacent to the junction,” it adds.

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