
Wales News Online

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NEARLY a decade later the same company was brought back in to review Ceredigion County Council’s leisure service.

Consultants Just Solutions reviewed the service in 2009, and last year were asked by the council to undertake a second review.

A Freedom of Information request indicated that the consultant charges totalled £6,750 with council buildings and staff used, with no associated costs.

There have been significant changes to the service since 2015 a report to the healthier communities overview and scrutiny committee said on March 20.

The committee also received extracts from the consultant’s report Reviewing and Future Proofing the Vision and Strategy for Leisure in Ceredigion’ publish in December 2018.

It showed there was an “urgent need for investment” in the council’s facilities – equipment and buildings – with the current operating model not considered a “viable long term option.”

It adds that the there has been “no substantial capital investment” and no longer meets the needs of residents.

The review was carried out in July and August followed by focus groups at Cardigan, Aberaeron and Plascrug leisure centres in October.

Recommendations for future actions include infrastructure reviews, establishing a position statement for swimming provision and to “establish the unique role for the Local Authority in respect of Sport and Physical

It aims to become a “more customer focused service” with high quality sports and leisure experiences as well as increasing participation levels.

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