
Wales News Online

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AFTER revising plans following discussions with officers an affordable house application in Aberporth will be dealt with by delegated powers.

The application for an affordable dwelling and three bay garage on land next to Brynmair Villa was withdrawn from the development control committee agenda on Wednesday (March 10) following discussions.

The site is currently greenfield, a paddock next to a large five bedroom property which the applicant, and his brother, had inherited following the recent death of their farther, a planning report states.

Planning officer Catrin Newbold told the committee that an affordable housing statement had been received and planning concerns about the size of the proposal had been addressed, with the scale of the plot reduced by “approximately half.”

She added that the garage would also be removed from the application, so on reconsideration it was considered suitable to be determined under delegated powers, subject to a section 106 agreement securing affordable status.

Local member Cllr Gethin Davies supported the application and  had asked for the application, recommended for refusal, to be considered at the committee because “there is a need for housing in the area and the dwelling is affordable.”

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