
Wales News Online

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PLANS for a bypass around Dinas Powys have moved one step closer as a key study has been published.

The new road would be built from the Merrie Harrier junction on Cardiff Road, around the east of Dinas Powys, rejoining Cardiff Road just south of Green Lane.

Transport planners are hoping the bypass would reduce congestion in the village and make it easier to travel from Barry to Cardiff.

Consultants hired by the Vale of Glamorgan council have looked in detail at an outline business case for the bypass, including various options, and a three-month public consultation is expected to start later this year.

Arcadis Consulting recommended building the bypass, improving public transport in the area, and making it safer to walk and cycle. They said if more drivers used the bypass instead of driving through Dinas, the village would be safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

The Arcadis report is going to the Vale cabinet on Monday, March 3. Community councillors in Dinas Powys had previously complained about the long delays in publishing the report.

The road will likely cost about £31 million. No funding has been secured yet from the Welsh Government. But the next stage, pending a successful public consultation, would be for the consultants to write up a full business case and for the Vale Council to bid for the funding.

One option includes building a roundabout halfway down the bypass, linking it with Murch Road.

Arcadis highlighted several problems with the existing transport infrastructure between Barry and Cardiff, including overcrowding rush-hour trains and buses; lack of safe walking and cycling routes; congestion; car accidents; and air and noise pollution.

They added that new housing developments in the area would likely increase the pressure on the roads and public transport.

The report to cabinet said:

“If a bypass is delivered, the existing adverse impact of road traffic, specifically through Dinas Powys, could be reduced.

“The journey time and capacity improvements from the bypass would assist public transport and walking and cycling movements through and within Dinas Powys by reducing general traffic volumes.”

The bypass could also help congestion, journey times, air quality, noise pollution, road safety, and better pedestrian crossings within the village.

Cycling routes in the area could also soon be improved. The Vale council is planning to work with Cardiff and Newport councils in the coming months on a region-wide cycle network. The Vale is also planning to bring electric Nextbikes to Dinas Powys soon, similar to in Penarth.

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