
Wales News Online

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ONE of two buildings to be set up as an escape for victims of domestic abuse will be in Cardigan instead of Aberystwyth.

Ceredigion County Council’s cabinet varied its previous decision to provided two dispersed units in Aberystwyth and approved in principle the acquisition of a second unit in the Cardigan area.

It had been resolved in February 2021 to buy two units for victims of domestic abuse or sexual violence in the Aberystwyth area using Welsh Government funding with one unit bought in April.

Cabinet member for  highways and environmental services, housing and customer contact Cllr Dafydd Edwards said at Tuesday’s (June 15) meeting that “further analysis of increased demand across Ceredigion” showed a need of additional support in the south of the county.

Discussions with West Wales Domestic Abuse Service indicated that the “optimal location for the second dispersed unit would be in the Cardigan area.”

The West Wales Domestic Abuse Service will lease the additional units for its third sector support work, cabinet heard.

The costs of the proposal, acquisitions and lease proposal were included in exempt reports.

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