
Wales News Online

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Eggs-tremely kind gesture from knitting club, to Rhyl RNLI

THE Easter Chicks knitting club was formed by Bethan Waters in 2011. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012, and passed away in 2013 aged 35. She asked the remaining members to continue their fundraising efforts. This year, Easter rabbits were also knitted, and the proceeds presented to charities across the region.

Rhyl RNLI was chosen as one of these charities, and on Easter Sunday, members of the club arrived at the boathouse on Rhyl Promenade with a cheque for £200.00.

Accepting the cheque on behalf of the station, Deputy Coxswain Andrew Wilde said ‘ In these strange times, the charity is exceptionally grateful to groups like these, who contribute even during the pandemic, to help continue saving lives at sea’.

The donation will go towards the upkeep of Rhyl lifeboat station.

This year already, Rhyl RNLI lifeboats have launched on 18 occasions. This is in spite of crew members who work in the health profession and other vital jobs, not being able to answer the call of their pager. However, crew cover has been maintained at all times to answer the call should it arise.

The picture shows deputy Coxswain Andrew Wilde (left) and members of the knitting club, socially distanced, outside the front of the lifeboat station at Rhyl.
Donations to support the RNLI in Rhyl can be done on the JustGiving page :- https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/rhylrnli21

RNLI/Callum Robinson

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