
Wales News Online

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IT is the end of an era for the Oxfam shop on Stepney Street in Llanelli. The shop, which has taken in our second hand clothing, toys and bric a brac since 1977 has been a favourite haunt for many people including young people looking for a fashionable bargain. It closes its doors on Tuesday 29th of October.

In the early days Oxfam was not the kind of shop one wanted to be seen in but all that changed as the charity revamped its stores and became a competitor on the High Street selling luxury goods. It maintained the second hand element but also switched to selling many of the high ticket designer label items on its online site.

Llanelli has a large number of charity shops, which is not to everyone’s liking. There have been critics of the charity shop take over of the High Street but the shops also have their supporters.

Paying a quick visit to the store it is easy to see why it has been so popular. You can get everything from clothing, toys, jewellery, crockery, tea, and coffee to a simple hair band. The stores have always relied on volunteers to run them.

Oxfam was hit by the scandal of its overseas staff allegedly having used prostitutes, including under age girls.

Famous people were quick to cut ties with Oxfam including actress Minnie Driver.

Members of the public admitted they were doubtful about donating to any charity.

Oxfam, one of the UK’s biggest charities and has nearly 10,000 staff working in more than 90 countries.

An Oxfam report 2016/17 listed the charity as having  had a total income of £409m.


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