
Wales News Online

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Fire Service claim beach grass fires started deliberately

IRRESPONSIBLE youths lighting barbecues near a packed Llanelli beach led to a beach ice cream kiosk being threatened with closure.
The alarm was raised as the grass fire took hold with smoke enveloping the car park and beach kiosk area causing people to flee from the choking smoke
Llanelli firemen were quickly on the scene and dowsed the spreading fire in minutes. It was the third fire on the dunes, which are listed as a Site of Special Scientific Interest.
Some claim that Skylark nesting grounds occupied by the migrant breeding birds are being wiped out. Visiting the beach with her husband and son, Judith Bowen said the council were negligent in their duty not patrolling the dunes she said: “We’re being desecrated and systematically destroyed by fires and vandalism.
“Fence posts have been ripped up for Barbecue fuel and cars have broken through the flimsy barriers to reach deep into the haven that is supposed to be protected.
“Where are the rangers to patrol it?” 

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service said that between 07:56pm on Friday, 19/04/2019, and 06:33pm on Sunday, 21/04/2019, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service (MAWWFRS) attended to six incidents of grass fires at North Dock, Llanelli. The majority of which were deliberately lit grass fires.

Station Manager Steve Richards, Arson Reduction Manager for MAWWFRS said “We are working with the Police to catch those who are responsible for setting these deliberate grass fires and will support prosecutions.

If anybody has seen or have information about these fires at North Dock, Llanelli you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 – or via an online anonymous form at Crimestoppers-uk.org.

Deliberate grass fires endanger lives. They are dangerous, unpredictable and can quickly spread out of control. It will take the Fire and Rescue Service longer to respond to life risk emergencies such as house fires or road traffic collisions if they are already tied up tackling a deliberately set grass fire.”

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